flower image

about flower image

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Understand the difference types of flowers when taking picture

Weather and picking the types of flowers that you want to take can be easy but if you do not have a bit of knowledge or skill on how to take this flower image can not be so beautiful as you think it will be. Camera also plays some important parts in taking a nice and beautiful flower image. Firstly we must understand the difference types of flowers. While some are easy to take others can be difficult to get a good image or shots.

Small flower should be taken the closer the better to get a better view. While some flower should be taken a little distance away from the flower. The best way to take a nice flower image is to pay attention to the colors, shape and size of the flower. Remember to looks for great colors and a full bloom with buds and leaves nest to it.

Try not to take picture of the flower if the weather is too windy as the picture might not turned up to beautiful. Used light if the weather is dark or is going to rain but the the best to avoid it.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Taking picture of flowers

Taking picture it seem to be easy but if you not know the technique, the picture comes out wont be that very beautiful. In todays times taking pictures will be quite easy as the technology of the todays camera are make for the beginning photographers. First we must understands that there are many types of flowers and secondly is the weather when taking pictures. Some flowers are easy to take while some are very difficult because of the angle and size of the flowers.

When picking the types of flower that you want to take pictures all you should do is always go for the ones that you like the best and the position to get the best shots. When taking shots of your flower be sure to have your photo be not complicated. A simple shot can look very good. For example, rather than take a picture with five flowers in it isolate one single flower. It'll most likely look much better. Some flowers should be taken from a short distance while some have to take a distance away. Try not to take pictures of flower or flower image during dark or cloudy weather as most of the flower image out won't be that nice.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Getting the best flower image from your tripod camera

I have seen many professional photograph taking picture of scenery, picture and flower image. The picture comes out was fantastic beautiful. I have try many times but it was not that beautiful. Even I buy the same camera and other item that their are using to take picture but it still not turn the same as I want. Join my friends and after a few months the picture I take was beautiful as live.

When taking picture of flowers always look for a great colors, Try to get the flower when it is in full bloom with some small buds next to the gloom flowers. Never try to shoot the flowers when is too windy and try it in many compositions. A Tripod camera is the best as it will keep your camera from moving on you and allow you to get the sharp focus of the picture. Most good photographers used soft diffuse light for colors saturation.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Taking flower image with my new camera

Last Sunday myself and my wife went to floral exhibition help in Penang inconjuction with our Malaysia fifty years anniversary. There thousands of beautiful orchids plants on display and the winner will walk out of the competition with a three thousand cash prise and others gift sponsor by many big company. The second prise is two follow by the third of one thousand and about ten consulation prises. The flower,and the plants display was very beautiful arranged by student and organisation.

I was there with my wife from noon till the evening on that day,taking picture of the beautiful flower, plants and landscape of the garden and the most attraction the orchids. With my tripod camera I can able to take a full bloom flower with its beautiful image as my camera are builds with the zoom, lens and the speeds. The colours of the flower display are of many colours and with my photograph knowledge I can able to photo the picture of the flower image.

The crowds keep growing fron the early noon till the evening with a school band entertaning the crowds. I took more then a few hundred picture of the flowers, the plants the people and the winners.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Taking beautiful flower image with my tripod camera

Taking a beautiful flower image ones has to look that the flower is of great and bright colours and the flowers must be well full bloom to get the best picture of the flower. Try to take the flowers in difference direction and keep contrast and colour in minds at all times. If the weather is very windy or cloudy, the best is not shoot the flowers as it won't comes out very beautiful.

Using a Tripod camera to take flowers image as tripod camera allows your camera to set up your shots and had a sharp focus. Besides its allows your camera from moving on you and gives you sharp detail when you are readly to take the shots. Soft diffuse light add advantage of taking a great flower image when the flowers in full bloom. This is how professional photographers takes their picture with deep in the colour.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Taking flower image with my new camera

Last Sunday myself and my wife went to floral exhibition help in Penang inconjuction with our Malaysia fifty years anniversary. There thousands of beautiful orchids plants on display and the winner will walk out of the competition with a three thousand cash prise and others gift sponsor by many big company. The second prise is two follow by the third of one thousand and about ten consulation prises. The flower,and the plants display was very beautiful arranged by student and organisation.

I was there with my wife from noon till the evening on that day,taking picture of the beautiful flower, plants and landscape of the garden and the most attraction the orchids. With my tripod camera I can able to take a full bloom flower with its beautiful image as my camera are builds with the zoom, lens and the speeds. The colours of the flower display are of many colours and with my photograph knowledge I can able to photo the picture of the flower image.

The crowds keep growing fron the early noon till the evening with a school band entertaning the crowds. I took more then a few hundred picture of the flowers, the plants the people and the winners.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Using tripod camera to take flower image

With today technology taking picture of flower image is quite easily and quickly than what we are doing twenty years ago. For a new learners they just have to knows some tricks to take nice picture of flower image. As the present camera are all builds in zooms, lens and speeds

You can used a tripod camera, all you have to do is set your shots and the image in focus and then shoot. When taking picture of flowers remmember to look for great colours. A full blooms flowers with flowers buds next to it and Keep contrast and color in mind at all times and try different compositions each time you take a shot. Avoid taking picture windy times. Try to slow film speed, the slower speed films have greater detail of the flowers.
